Фразы и позы, которые я использую для занятий йогой с дочкой + прикрепляю фото этих поз.
To do yoga=to practice yoga-заниматься йогой
To raise – поднимать (руки)
To lower- опускать (голову)
To stretch – тянуть (растягиваться)
To bend/to straighten– сгибать/выпрямлять
To arch – выгибаться аркой
To press - прижимать
To extend – вытягивать (руки)
To inhale/exhale – вдыхать/выдыхать
1. Easy pose. Sit straight with your legs crossed. Breathe in through your nose (pause), and out through your nose (pause). .
2. Hare pose. Lower your head as you sit on your heels. Stretch your arms forward on the floor. Поза Заяца.
3. Butterfly Pose. Bend your knees and gently bounce your knees to flap your butterfly wings
4. Upward facing dog. Take the plank pose. Try to arch
5. Low lunge, leg forward. Press your palms and fingers against the floor. Step back with your left foot.
6. Wide-legged forward bend with hands lock. Stand with your feet leg-length apart. Lock your hands behind your back and stretch your arms.
7. Triangle pose. Put your feet at the length of your leg. Stretch your arms to your sides. Raise your hand.
8. Bend. Stand up straight with your feet at your hips' width. Raise your right arm through your side and bend to the left.
9. Half moon pose. Stand up straight. Raise your arms through your sides. Clasp them over your head, stretching your index fingers up.
10. Chair pose. Stand up straight, legs together. Raise your arms through your sides. Bend your knees.
11. Tree pose. Stand up straight. Put your right foot firmly on the floor. Bend your left knee and put your left foot on the inner side of your thigh, Achieve balance. Raise your hands, join them
12. Airplane Pose. Extend arms out to either side. When you feel balanced, lean forward, lifting one leg straight behind you.
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